Equal parts Californian and Texan, Jenny Grumbles realized her passion for painting at age 14. Jenny’s work has an emphasis on color and light, as does her lifestyle. What draws her to the canvas is capturing the way light hits her subject. Fueled by caffeine and loud music, she paints an over-booked calendar of commissioned work seeking to bring joy to her client’s homes by capturing their memories or helping them create new ones.
With a degree from Southern Methodist University, some guidance from mentor Anne Irwin of Anne Irwin Fine Art, and a few years of sobriety, she was able to found the J.Grumbles Studio in California. She began selling her art in galleries and shops from California to Georgia.
Shortly after, she opened a vintage home-decor business, Uptown Country Home, where she was the proprietor of her own retail store for 10 years. Jenny’s success in retail sales of art and refurbished furniture landed her a leading role (as herself) on 56 episodes of A&E’s hit series, Storage Wars Texas. Jenny is also passionate about political and social issues which are highlighted in some of her work. She says she finally found a way to combine her loves of trash-to-treasure, home decor and fine art with her latest Cereal Series (portraits made entirely out of cereal boxes) and wallpaper line.
She currently resides in Dallas, Texas, with her son, Thompson.